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Who We Work With

Who We Work With


God Cares Rights Foundation works with vulnerable children in Malawi. This ranges from street-connected children to children from poor and economically challenged homes. Our goal is to ensure that children's rights are protected despite their background, that they enjoy their rights fully and grow into responsible adults for their families, societies, nations, and the world at large. We work hand in hand with several of our partners including the government, CSOs, local committees, and organizations to accomplish our mission. We work in such areas as child protection, education, child marriages, child labor, and health (HIV/AIDS and Nutrition.)

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Malawi's youth make up about 50% of the population, it is, therefore, logical to bet our future on these young people. However, many of them are met with several challenges which hinder their potential to becoming financially independent. Of course, this is mainly owing to poverty as many youths come from families that cannot support their educational and developmental needs which can help groom them into active contributors to the economies of their communities and the country. GCRF supports such youth, both those who are street-connected and those coming from poor homes. We support their educational and health needs and provide solutions to their becoming economically empowered through such things as skills training and development and entrepreneurship. 

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Our focus when it comes to working with women is gender equality and gender-based violence (GBV.) Many women in Malawi are victims of some form of violence (sexual, physical, etc) and many of them have little to no understanding of their rights. Owing to challenges such as poverty, social constructions and traditional believes, many women are left without a way out of the abuses and poverty. They have no idea of how they can report abuses and continue to be victims. GCRF works tirelessly to resolve such issues and to ensure gender equality and the complete elimination of gender-based violence. We work to economically empower women, provide for their health needs mainly focusing on HIV/AIDS maternal health and educate them about violence. 

In addition, GCRF works to ensure that women are well represented in spaces of decision making. For example, we were part of the 50:50 campaign during the 2019 elections to ensure 50:50 representation in parliament.

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